The teacher of KG to class II may draw books to show to their pupils in class.
- Books will be
issued to the students of class KG to II only on the English teacher’s
Class III and above may draw two library books at a time to take home.
Books must be kept with care.
If a book is kept for more than 15 days, a penalty of Rs. 5 per day will be
levied for a week, after
Which the book will be assumed lost.
If a book is damaged or lost:
- The Librarian will assess the cost of
the damage and may charge up to twice the cost of the
- The pupil may be debarred from the
library for up to one year.
If the library issue card is lost, a duplicate card will be issued on the
payment of Rs. 10/-
Pupils must return their library books one week before each examination.
In all matters the decision of the librarian shall be binding.