Fee Schedule
1. Registration Fee & Form Fee: - Rs. 300/-
2. Admission Fee: - Rs.
3. Security: - Rs......................... (Refundable without
interest when the child leaves School)
4. School Fee will be Paid/Deposited in five instalments as
following :
(i) Ist Instalment : up to 15 April/at Admission
(ii) IInd Instalment : up to 15 August
(iii) IIIrd Instalment : up to 15 October
(iv) IVth Instalment : up to 15 December
(iv) Vth Instalment : up to 15 February
5. Board exam fees will be collected separately.
6. Fee-Card is necessary while depositing fees. If Fee-Card is
lost, new Fee-Card will be issued for
Rupees 50/-.
7. The Fee
will be deposited by 10th of due month. If the fee is not deposited till 10th
of the month, late fee Rs. 50/- per day (including holidays) will be charged for
each day. The Student’s name will be struck off from the register if the fee is
not deposited till end of the month.
8. Re-Admission if granted will be, on payment of the Re-Admission
fee Rs. 500/- plus all dues
amount with late fee.
9. No reminder will be sent to the parents regarding the fee.
10. All payment should be made by cash, cheque, banker’s cheque or
drafts only. In case of cheque
bounce a penalty will be charged according to norms of the Bank.
11. Management
reserves the right to revise any policy/fee/fee timing at any time during the
academic session.
12. Refund of fees for students seeking withdrawal during the mid
session is not permissible.
13. Parents have the option to deposit the fee in advance for the
whole year.
14. The Students will be allowed to give exam after depositing whole
fee of any kind.
15. Fee for
T. C. Rs. 100/-, for Character Certificate Rs. 50/-, for Fee Certificate Charge
Rs. 50/-, for Duplicate Mark Sheet Rs. 100/-, for Certificate of studying Rs. 50/-
16. Conveyance fee is payable for 11 months and will be deposited
along with first instalment.
17. Student who wants discontinue the bus facility will have inform
the office at least one month in advance
otherwise the request will not be entertained.
18. Transportation is a facility not the right so it can only be
provided on availability of vacant
19. School buses are kept in fine condition. Drivers are experienced
and have license but accident might
happen. Please, help and keep faith in school.