Karate is very well
known as a system of self-defense where with consistent and strenuous training
punches and kicks become extremely dangerous and useful in a case of a need.
But karate is not only that. We would go further and say that martial arts are
very solid and effective educational system. A Chinese proverb says: “If you
are thinking one year ahead, sow seed. If you are thinking 10 years ahead plant
a tree. If you are thinking 100 years ahead educate people.”
Martial arts as an
educational system are of paramount importance for everybody especially for
kids. Karate benefits kids at every aspect of their lives – physical, mental,
spiritual and emotional. Developing balance, coordination, focus, respect,
discipline, self-defense is well known features of every practice.
Martial arts develop
another important attitude -“Never give up”. A Japanese proverb says: “Fall 7
times, stand up 8”. And that is all karate is about. That is all our life is
about, isn’t it?
North India Chief in
Go-Jyouru Style of Karate Sihan Mahendra Gahalot (6 Den Black Belt) had
established Indian Martial Art Academy in Jaipur. Its head office located
at Murlipura Scheme.
Vijay Group of
Education is associated with the establishment of this academy since its
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