ds fy, eq[; fu;e½ :
The school lays ample stress on
inculcating inner discipline. Discipline provides the base for all future
success. We expect our parents to honor the school rules and regulations and
ensure that their wards also do the same.
fo|ky; vkUrfjd vuq’kklu dks fodflr djus ij i;kZIr tksj nsrk gSA vuq’kklu
Hkfo"; esa izkIr gksus okyh lHkh lQyrkvksa ds fy, vk/kkj iznku djrk gSA ge
mEehn djrs gSa fd gekjs vfHkHkkod fo|ky; ds fu;eksa vkSj mifu;eksa dk lEeku
djsaxs rFkk ;g Hkh lqfuf’pr djsaxs fd muds cPps Hkh ,slk gh djsaA
(i) Students
should reach the school at least five minutes before the first bell is rung. 3 late chances are allowed in a year
after that the Late comers will not be allowed to attend their classes. They
will be sent back to home.
igyh ?kaVh ctus ls de ls de ikap feuV igys
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks Ldwy igqapuk pkfg,A ,d
lky esa 3 ckj nsj ls vkus dh vuqefr nh tkrh gS mlds ckn nsj ls vkus okyksa dks
d{kkvksa esa 'kkfey gksus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhsA mUgas ?kj okil Hkst fn;k
(ii) At the
sound of the first bell all should go to their respective assembly grounds. The
day when there is no assembly they should go to their classrooms directly.
Until the teacher arrives, the first monitor (second monitor if first is
absent) maintains order in the classroom.
igyh ?kaVh dh vkokt ij lHkh dks vius&vius
izkFkZuk lHkk {ks=ksa eas tkuk pkfg,A ftl fnu dksbZ izkFkZuk lHkh ugha gksrh
gS] mUgsa lh/ks vius d{kkvksa esa tkuk pkfg,A f’k{kd ds vkus rd] igyk ekWfuVj
¼igyk eksfuVj vuqifLFkr gS rks nwljk eksfuVj½ d{kk esa vuq’kklu cukus ds fy,
ftEesnkj gksxkA
(iii) Having entered once in the school, students will not be allowed to go out of the school campus without Principal’s permission.
fo|ky; esa ,d ckj izos’k djus ds ckn] fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks iz/kkukpk;Z dh vuqefr ds fcuk fo|ky; ifjlj ls ckgj tkus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhA
the teacher does not reach the class within two minutes after the bell for a
period to commence has rung, the second monitor should report it to the office,
while the first monitor should assume the responsibility for order and
discipline in the class until the teacher/substitute arrives.
;fn v/;kid dkyka’k dh cSy ctus ds nks feuV ds Hkhrj
d{kk esa ugha igq¡prs gSa] rks nwljs d{kk izfrfuf/k dks dk;kZy; esa fjiksVZ
djuh pkfg,] tcfd igyk d{kk izfrfuf/k] v/;kid ds vkus rd d{kk esa vuq’kklu dh
ftEesnkjh dk fuoZgu djsxkA
(v) All students should be habitually clean and
neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all class days, examination
days, and for all school functions in and outside the school. 3 chances are allowed in a year after
that they will not be allowed to
attend their classes. They will be sent back to home.
Newly enrolled pupils are allowed for two weeks to get their uniform ready. During this time, they may wear plain, private dresses.
lHkh fo|kfFkZ;kas dks vknru lkQ&lqFkjk jguk pkfg, vkSj lkQ lqFkjs diM+s iguus pkfg,A fo|ky; ds vUnj o ckgj lHkh dk;Z fnolksa] ijh{kk ds fnuksa] vkSj fo|ky; ds lHkh mRloksa esa fo|ky;h x.kos’k iguk tkuk gSA ,d o"kZ esa 3 voljksa dh vuqefr gS blds ckn mUgsa viuh d{kkvksa esa Hkkx ysus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhA mUgsa ?kj okil Hkstk tk;sxkA
(vi) Boys must keep their hair short. Girls must
keep their hair tied. No jewelry is
yM+dksa dks vius cky NksVs j[kus pkfg,A yM+fd;ksa
dks vius ckyksa dks cka/kdj j[kuk pkfg,A fdlh Hkh izdkj ds xgus iguus dh vuqefr
ugha gSA
(vii) Nails must be kept trimmed and short. Nail polish is not allowed.
uk[kwuksa dks NaVk gqvk vkSj NksVk j[kuk pkfg,A usy
ikWfy’k yxkus dh vuqefr ugha gSA
(Viii) No books (except for text books or school library books) , magazines, literature, Papers or comics etc. may be brought to the school without the Principal's permission.
dksbZ Hkh fdrkcsa
¼IkkB~; iqLrdksa ;k fo|ky;h iqLrdky; dh iqLrdksa dks NksM+dj½] if=dkvksa]
lkfgR;] i=ksa ;k dkWfeDl vkfn dks fcuk iz/kkukpk;Z dh vuqefr ds fo|ky; esa ugha
yk;k tk ldrk gSA
(ix) Students are forbidden to bring mobiles, Cameras, CDs, I-pods, pen drive, any type of e-gadgets etc. to the school. Once confiscated, they will not be returned.
They are also forbidden to bring transistors, crackers, explosives, and other dangerous materials to the school. Students are liable to be dismissed for such violations.
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks eksckbzy] dSejk] lhMH] vkbZ&ikWM] isu Mªkbo vkfn fdlh Hkh izdkj ds bZ&xStsV~l fo|ky; esa ykus dh eukgh gSA ,d ckj tCr gksus ds ckn] mUgsa okil ugha fd;k tk;sxkA mUgsa VªkaftLVj] iVk[ks] foLQksVd vkSj vU; [krjukd lkexzh fo|ky; ykus dh Hkh eukgh gSA bl rjg ds mYya?ku ds fy, fo|kfFkZ;kas dks c[kkZLr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
damage to any property must be made good.
Hkh laifRr dks gq, uqdlku dks Bhd djokuk gksxkA
of articles or money transaction between students is not allowed.
fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds chp oLrqvksa ds vknku&iznku ;k
iSls ds ysu&nsu dh vuqefr ugha gSA
(xii) Tobacco, Betel (Gutkha), Betel-nut etc. are
prohibited in the School campus; disciplinary action will be taken against such
students who are caught with such stuff.
fo|ky; ifjlj esa rEckdw] flxjsV] xqV[kk] lqikjh
vkfn fuf"k) gSA ,sls fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds f[kykQ vuq’kklukRed dk;ZokbZ dh
tk;sxh tks bl rjg ds lkeku ds lkFk idM+s tkrs gSaA
(xiii) A child who
does not bring all the required books,
stationery and the school diary will be
sent home and marked absent .
,d cPpk tks lHkh vko’;d fdrkcsa] LVs’kujh vkSj
fo|ky;h M+k;jh ugha ykrk gS] mls ?kj Hkstk tk;sxk vkSj vuqifLFkfr yxk nh
(xiv) The exercise copy & books must be according to the school specifications. They must be covered with brown paper and plastic cover and maintained neatly.
dkWih vkSj fdrkcsa fo|ky; ds fofunsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj gksuh pkfg,A mUgsa Hkwjs jax ds ckxt vkSj IykfLVd ds vkoj.k ls <+aduk pkfg, vkSj cM+s djhus ls cuk, j[kuk pkfg,A
(xv) The School Diary should be brought to school each day.
fo|ky;h M+k;jh ds izfrfnu fo|ky; esa yk;k tkuk pkfg,A
(xvi) Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is strictly prohibited.
fo|ky;h Hkou ds vanj [ksyuk ;k fpYykuk l[r euk gSA
(xvii) Every
student is expected to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in
conduct, good manners, and cleanliness both in and out of the school. Students
must use decent language and be courteous to everyone in the school.
izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ls ;g vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd og
fo|ky; ds vUnj o ckgj mPp vkpj.k] vPNs f’k"Vkpkj vkSj LoPNrk dk
mRd`"V izn’kZu djsA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fo|ky; esa lHkh ds lkFk lH;
Hkk"kk vkSj fouezrk dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A
Cycle must be locked and kept in the place allotted. Only those with valid driving licence
and helmet will be allowed to bring vehicles (mopeds, scooters, and
motorcycles). Four wheelers are not permitted.
vkoafVr LFkku ij lkbZfdy dks rkyk yxkdj j[kk tkuk
pkfg,A dsoy oS/k Mªkbfoax ykblsal vkSj gsyesV j[kus okyksa dks okgu ¼eksisM]
LdwVj vkSj eksVjlkbfdy½ ykus dh vuqefr gksxhA pkj ifg;k okguksa dh vuqefr ugha
Students should not drive motorized
vehicles to and from the school unless they have valid licenses and have
secured the permission from the school authorities to do so. It is mandatory to
wear helmets while driving; else they won’t be allowed to enter school
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks] fo|ky; esa vkrs o tkrs le;] eksVj
ls pyus okys okgu rc rd ugha pykus pkfg,¡ tc rd muds ikl oS| ykblsUl o fo|ky;
izcU/ku ls bZtktr ugha gksA okgu pykrs le; gsyesV iguuk vfuok;Z gS( vU;Fkk
mUgsa fo|ky; ifjlj esa izos’k djus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk,xhA
Park your
vehicals, helmets etc. at your own risk. The School will no be responsible for
any kind of damage. Vehicle stand has been provided by the School Management
for the convenience of children, so its facility fee will be payable.
fo|kFkhZ vius okgu] gsyesV vkfn viuh ftEesnkjh ij
[kM+s djsaaA fo|ky; uqdlku dh HkjikbZ ds fy, mRrjnk;h ugha gksxkA fo|ky;
izcU/ku }kjk okgu LVS.M+ cPpksa dh lqfo/kk ds fy, miyCk djok;k tkrk gS vr% bldk
lqfo/kk 'kqYd nsuk gksxkA
(xix) A child’s
name may be struck off the school rolls if he is frequently absent, repeatedly
neglects his home work, violates
the rules of discipline i.e. disturbing the class, using abusive language, dis-obedience,
misbehavior, rudeness,
etc., the payment of his fee is delayed beyond one month or if his continuation
in the school is considered undesirable.
,d cPps dk uke fo|ky; jftLVj ls gVk;k tk ldrk gS
;fn og vDlj vuqifLFkr jgrk gS] ckj&ckj viuk x`g dk;Z ugha djrk gS] vuq’kklu
ds fu;eksa dk mYya?ku djrk gSA tSls& d{kk dks ijs’kku djuk] viekutud
Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djrk gS] vuknj]
nqO;Zogkj] vf’k"Vrk] >xM+k djuk vkfn dk mi;ksx djrk gSA ftlds 'kqYd
dk Hkqxrku ,d eghus ls vf/kd nsjh ls gksrk gS ;k vxj fo|ky; esa mldh fujarjrk
dks vokaNuh; ekuk tkrk gSA
(xx) A child who has been punished by rustication
will not be allowed to join the next class.
,d cPpk ftls fo|ky; ls fu"dklu dh ltk nh xbZ
gS mls vxyh d{kk esa 'kkfey gksus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhA
(xxi) Students
must bring his/her Tiffin box, handkerchief and water bottle. water bottle is compulsory for Nur. to X.
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks viuk fVfQu ckWDl] #eky vkSj ikuh
dh cksry ykuh gksxhA ikuh dh cksry d{kk ulZjh ls nl rd ds fy, fuok;Z gSA
(xxii) This school is an English medium school. The
students must speak English in the school premises at all times (except in the
Hindi and Sanskrit period.)
;g fo|ky; ,d vaxzsth ek/;e dk fo|ky; gSA
fo|kfFkZ;kas dks fo|ky; ifjlj esa gj le; ¼fgUnh vkSj laLd`r ds dkyka’k dks
NksM+dj½ vaxzsth cksyuh pkfg,A
(xxiii) Home
work/Learning:- To get excellent results, the student must complete his/her
home-work and learn it by heart. If the student receives two similar notes in
one subject in six working days, the student will remain in the school after
school hours. It is responsibility of the parent/guardian to take the student
to home at 5.00 pm from school.
x`g dk;Z @;kn djuk %& mRd`"V ifj.kke izkIr djus ds fy,] fo|kfFkZ;ksa
dks viuk x`g dk;Z iwjk djuk pkfg, vkSj bls fny ls lh[kuk pkfg,A ;fn fo|kFkhZ
dks N% dk;Z fnolksa esa ,d fo"k; esa nks leku uksV feyrs gSa] rks fo|kFkhZ
Ldwy le; lekfIr ds ckn Hkh fo|ky; esa #dsxkA ;g vfHkHkkod dh ftEesnkjh gksxh fd
og fo|kFkhZ dks lk;a 5 cts fo|ky; ls ?kj ysdj tk;saA
(xxiv) Half day live is strictly
vk/ks fnu dk vodk'k
fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkr esa Lohdk;Z ugha gSA
(xxv) Rules of Warning:-
Discipline is essential to get expected result. for this, school has the following process :-
psrkouh ds fu;e %&
visf{kr ifj.kke izkIr djus ds fy, vuq’kklu vko’;d gSA blds fy,] fo|ky; esa fuEufyf[kr izfdz;k gS %&
(a) Yellow Card : It will be
given to the student as warning for indiscipline of any manner such as
indecent behavior i.e. disturbing the class,
using abusive language, quarrelling,
damaging, bringing prohibited items, unfair means etc. for
up to 2
or gets 10 notes in academic points such as homework, study, bringing
or books etc. in all subjects.
;Syks dkMZ %& ;g fo|kFkhZ dks fdlh Hkh rjhds dh
vuq’kklughurk 2 ckj djus ij psrkouh ds #i esa fn;k tk;sxkA tSls fd vHknz
O;ogkj] ;kuh d{kk esa xM+cM+h djuk] vHknz Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djuk] >xM+k
djuk] laifRr dk uqdlku igqapkuk] fuf"k) oLrqvksa dks ykuk] ijh{kk esa
vuqfpr lk/ku dk iz;ksxk djuk] vkfnA ;k] lHkh 'kS{kf.kd fcUnqvksa esa feykdj 10
ckj uksV feyus ij] tSls x`g dk;Z ugha djuk] ;kn ugha djuk] okafNr dkWih o
fdrkcsa ugha ykuk vkfnA
(b) Blue Card :
It will be given to the student as warning for indiscipline of any
manner such as
indecent behavior i.e. disturbing the class,
using abusive language, quarrelling,
damaging, bringing prohibited items, unfair means etc. for
up to 3
or gets 15 notes in academic points such as homework, study, bringing
or books etc. in all subjects. He/She will be suspended from the school
for 2 days.
CY;w dkMZ %& ;g fo|kFkhZ dks fdlh Hkh rjhds dh
vuq’kklughurk 3 ckj djus ij psrkouh ds #i esa fn;k tk;sxkA tSls fd vHknz
O;ogkj] ;kuh d{kk esa xM+cM+h djuk] vHknz Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djuk] >xM+k
djuk] laifRr dk uqdlku igqapkuk] fuf"k) oLrqvksa dks ykuk] ijh{kk esa
vuqfpr lk/ku dk iz;ksxk djuk] vkfnA ;k] lHkh 'kS{kf.kd fcUnqvksa esa feykdj 15
ckj uksV feyus ij] tSls x`g dk;Z ugha djuk] ;kn ugha djuk] okafNr dkWih o
fdrkcsa ugha ykuk vkfnA bls izkIr djus okys dks fo|ky; ls 2 dk;Z fnol ds fy,
fu"dkflr fd;k tk;sxkA
(c) Red Card :
It will be given to the student as warning for indiscipline of
any manner such as
indecent behavior i.e. disturbing the class,
using abusive language, quarrelling,
damaging, bringing prohibited items, unfair means etc. for
up to 4
or gets 20 notes in academic points such as homework, study, bringing
or books etc. in all subjects. He/She will be suspended from the school
for 10
;Syks dkMZ %& ;g fo|kFkhZ dks fdlh Hkh rjhds dh
vuq’kklughurk 4 ckj djus ij psrkouh ds #i esa fn;k tk;sxkA tSls fd vHknz
O;ogkj] ;kuh d{kk esa xM+cM+h djuk] vHknz Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djuk] >xM+k
djuk] laifRr dk uqdlku igqapkuk] fuf"k) oLrqvksa dks ykuk] ijh{kk esa
vuqfpr lk/ku dk iz;ksxk djuk] vkfnA ;k] lHkh 'kS{kf.kd fcUnqvksa esa feykdj 20
ckj uksV feyus ij] tSls x`g dk;Z ugha djuk] ;kn ugha djuk] okafNr dkWih o
fdrkcsa ugha ykuk vkfnA bls izkIr djus okys dks fo|ky; ls 10 dk;Z fnol ds fy,
fu"dkflr fd;k tk;sxkA
This is last warning and T. C. will be issued on any further mistake.
;g vafre psrkouh gS
vkSj vkxs fdlh Hkh xyrh ij Vhlh tkjh dj nh tk;sxhA
Note:- Red Card will also be given without warning for serious offence which is related to school’s prestige.
???: - fo|ky; dh izfr"Bk dks uqdlku igq¡pkus okyk xaHkhj vijk/k djus ij cxSj psrkokuh ds Hkh yky dkMZ iznku dj fn;k tk;sxkA
(xxvi) The management may add to or amend these Rules.
izcU/ku bu fu;eksa
dks tksM+ ;k la’kkf/kr dj ldrk gSA
(xxvii) In
all matters, the decision of the secretary, V.C.A. Samiti, shall be final.
lHkh ekeyksa esa] folh, lfefr ds lfpo dk fu.kZ;
vafre gksxkA